I live in Saigon now. I was very busy lately so a long time no steambubbles and no coverage. I hope I did not loose contact too much with you, dear audience. Now bubbles start to form again in my head..
Together with stargazer and dottore, a pasta maniac from Venice, I live in lovely casa mille occi. My home is my castle, it was especially so during the first months here when I had some problems feeling comfortable in the new city again. The structure is perfect, allowing three people to easily live together without getting on each others nerves. Instead of going to the city, we most often chill out in the living room or one of the terrasses. These days we also have Pau from Barcelona sleeping on the couch. I found some treats in the streets, like the Honda and the watch. Anyone such a watch? I can easily find one for you in the streets here and send them to you. Only 30 USD! Ah come on, this watch is hot, we all used to wear it when we were kids. Believe me, you all need this watch!
What else? I iron dottore's shirts as he can not do it himself. And this as Dr. Ing.!
2 Kommentare:
hey martin,
alles roger? bin grad zu faul aufzustehen und deine email zu suchen, mach ich das mal so.
wie gehts denn in saigon? dem eintrag nach scheints ja ganz gut zu sein, und dabei dachte ich dass die ganze stadt in gelähmte lethargie verfallen ist, seit ich weg bin und dass alle mädels nur noch schwarz tragen.
hier in passau is wie immer, vor allem grau. echt scheissenkaltundeklich. bäh, muss wieder nach saigon. und die mädels hier sind auch nicht halb so hübsch. hachja [in-erinnerungen-schwelg].
lass dir gut gehen und meld dich mal. liebe grüße, matthias
Soso.. kaufste jetz ne Uhr oder was.
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