Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2007

Bandung.. and Kemang

Yesterday I went to Bandung finally. I spent 100 $ more on clothes and things. Wandering through the streets, I took pictures of the houses I intend to buy when I am an old geezer.

It was quite a hassle in Bandung again browsing through shops and spending money although I found really funny things. Suddenly I felt very tired and I decided to visit my friend Chris' (not stargazer) family also to load off the Vietnamese fish sauce I have been carrying around since Saigon. Surprisingly the Indonesians did not like it so much (the sauce). A reason may be that the overall composition of their already flavoured, grilled or fried meat may be disrupted by the fish sauce's strong own flavour whereas the Vietnamese tenderly cooked, and thinly-sliced meat needs just that little salty extra-kick.

I took the last bus to Jakarta/Pondok Gede from where I took a motobike taxi to a party in Oishisha/Kemang. Tired as I was I just sat, drank Whiskey Soda and watched some dressed up people having fun. Although you could have the impression that everything was show for their cameras and especially for Kiki's camera from i_LOV3GLAM ( who regularly publishes her party images online. Btw: The following is not the new coverage video you are all craving for. Merry Christmas!

PS: Oha, now I see that you can hardly see anything on the video. As soon as I am back I try to post a better version where you can see the Christmas tree on the right better.

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2007

Home, Tebet, Depok

I did not go to Bandung thanks to a ridiculous 1 1/2 hours delay of my Lufthansa flight from Singapur to Jakarta including the most horrible landing ever. I bet these people will never fly Lufthansa again. I went straight to the house of my friends where I arrived just in time to see their kids before they went to bed. Sitting in the cab I had the same strange feeling I had when I arrived in 2005 for my first longer stay. I have been idealizing this city/country/people so much in the past year that I am afraid of discovering now that all has only been steambubbles in my head.

I spent the first morning playing with the kids which made me forget this night's dream about desk calendars and invitations with incorrect logo and colours. I read from books while they worked together to inflate balloons.

In the afternoon I went to nanonine in Tebet to buy clothes. I spent 120 $ but decided to pick up the stuff tomorrow as I wanted to go on to see the Depok Indie Fest. On my way I decided to get off the cab and spent a lovely hour in Zoe Cafe, buying books and eating a salmon. Unfortunately I could not find the venue so I returned to the city (Depok is on the southern outskirts). In the end I spent three hours on transport for nothing, hungry and tired but satisfied that I can still do and support trips like this.

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2007

Alles ist neu

I live in Saigon now. I was very busy lately so a long time no steambubbles and no coverage. I hope I did not loose contact too much with you, dear audience. Now bubbles start to form again in my head..

Together with stargazer and dottore, a pasta maniac from Venice, I live in lovely casa mille occi. My home is my castle, it was especially so during the first months here when I had some problems feeling comfortable in the new city again. The structure is perfect, allowing three people to easily live together without getting on each others nerves. Instead of going to the city, we most often chill out in the living room or one of the terrasses. These days we also have Pau from Barcelona sleeping on the couch. I found some treats in the streets, like the Honda and the watch. Anyone such a watch? I can easily find one for you in the streets here and send them to you. Only 30 USD! Ah come on, this watch is hot, we all used to wear it when we were kids. Believe me, you all need this watch!

What else? I iron dottore's shirts as he can not do it himself. And this as Dr. Ing.!

Montag, 10. September 2007

coverage guest house presents Sternenstauner

In the near future I will move into a house together with this man. He is a maestro of split screen special effects so he can make cool movies of crap material. He also has a blog named Generation on the move

Samstag, 8. September 2007

coverage presents Skating Hanoi

On a very lazy Saturday I assembled the new coverage clip about some young skateboarders in Hanoi, among them someone named Toan. The material was already long lying around on my HD. Enjoy!

..How nice and clean it always looks when a new post is up.. Uuuaah, time to go to Saigon though..

Dienstag, 21. August 2007

Basic information

After seven weeks I have a daily routine. I get up at quarter to seven and have breakfast and a stroll through my quarter which is busy with people going to work, to school or work out. There is a lake and a temple and soft morning light. School starts at 8.30 but I ususally show up earlier and have tea with my teachers. The scene is dominated by the jovial and charismatic Dr Bảng who is supported by Mrs Hà, Mrs Thù Anh and Mr Bình. They all care much for me and they are very patient and dedicated when explaining me Vietnamese. Although progress is small, the language fascinates me. Learning a tonal language is like discovering the third dimension. They also show me how to worship at a temple and how to cook nêm spring rolls. Often we have lunch together at a cheap food stall. During noon the whole city sleeps. At two I get up and go exploring the city. Or I go swimming at a nearby pool, a shithole says my house mate Gary. Maybe twice a week I meet a girl from the neighbourhood to speak German and Vietnamese. The day gets exciting when my beer-thirsty friends Andreas, Ivo and Axel have finished work. When Axel has finally got permission from his wife, we usually go to a bia hơi beer garden where beers and time fly by so we will probably not go anywhere else that evening. Sometimes we go to a club or bar but most evenings do not end any later than 12 as the party police has still not relaxed their tight regime. Thursday is a highlight when we play football together with some expats and locals, organized by Teamchef Raimund and his Teamcheffin Klara.

Having a routine really helps to feel comfortable. Sometimes I still have to be upset about some flagrant Vietnamese manners but mostly I enjoy. I feel not like moving to Saigon in a month.

Mittwoch, 15. August 2007

Today's lesson

motobike xe máy
stolen mất

Arrgh! Oí!
nervous breakdown đột qụi thần kinh
to curse chửi rủa

last night tôí qua
to forget quên
into vào
house nhà

to cry vi khóc
self-doubt hoài nghi
idiot ngơừi dần
stupid little boy em bè dần dộn
irresponsible vô trách nhiệm

to change sửa lại
lifestyle kiểu sống
less ít hơn
party di chơi
more hơn
responsibility trách nhiệm

to feel like thấy
smashed đàn áp
to ở trên
ground sần

evening buổi tôí
landlady chủ nhà
to bribe mua chuộc
police station sở công an
500.000 VND nam tram nhìn dồng
to bring back trả lại
motobike xe máy

utterly relieved giản đơn quá
bank ngân hàng
repay borrowed money trả tièn cho vay

to knock at door đập cưa
answer trả lời
unclear không hiểu dược
to open mở

landlady chu nhà
lingerie quàn áo lót
utterly embarrassed dau dón quá

5 min later vài phút nua
landlady chủ nhà
to give cho
sweetend yoghurt sữa chưa có đường
to smile cười

Montag, 13. August 2007

coverage video project

People like to have projects nowadays. I feel like starting this video project called coverage. There will be videos of anything worth covering. So no politicians, celebrities and other irritating folks. And you feel free to send in any material or links of videos you feel worth being covered. Thanks, and thank you Raphi for installing all this useful software on my pc. I only have to figure out how to use it hehe. Expect to see Robert de Niro on coverage soon... ah no celebs! Now please see the FIT - Crew stomp the ground in front of the Lenin statue in Hanoi. Maybe this is what we mean when we say credibility. Thanks and big up, FIT!

Montag, 6. August 2007

Breaking news, taken from Hanoi Today, Aug 6, 2007

26-year-old missing in Ba Vi national park

- HN - A 26 years old German is said to be missing in Ba Vi national park, Ha Tay province. His landlady in Hanoi says he left the house on Sunday morning for the hills and has not come back since. Police could only recover his photo camera on a little frequented trail in the forests of Ba Vi. Beside some pictures documenting an obviously fun motobike ride to the hills and stunning panoramas, there is also a videoclip on it.

The scene ressembles footage found in a recovered film camera in 1999 near the small town Blair/Maryland. It was supposedly taken by a group of teenagers who wanted to spot the ominous "Witch of Blair" and
eventually disappeared in the forests. They have not reappeared since.

There have been regular reports of dissappearances in the woods around Ba Vi mountain. Locals believe the woods are roamed by the ghost of national hero Ho Chi Minh protecting them from over-curious tourists. They worship Mr Ho in a temple on the mountain

The head of the provincial police has ordered an intensive investigation in the forests of Ba Vi which are now closed to visitors due to the incident. The affair has revived talks in the capital about Mr Ho being
still alive. Our news service will keep you in the loop about the issue. (MF)

Stunning panoramas during the motobike ride - into a "dead end"?

Mr Ho's temple on the mountain top - is he still out there?

Montag, 23. Juli 2007


Eigentlich sollte hier eine gnadenlose Abrechnung mit den Vietnamesen wie ich sie bisher größtenteils kennengelernt hab, kommen. Ich wollte über die dreist-asoziale Art mit der sie reichen Westlern begegnen und über ihre Geldfixiertheit schreiben. Überhaupt wäre festzustellen gewesen, dass sowas wie Solidarität oder soziales Gewissen, ach die Zivilgesellschaft in Vietnam überhaupt, fast nicht vorhanden sind. Die Leserschaft täuscht sich, wenn sie meint es würde jemand anhalten, wenn eine Schwangere mit Kleinkind auf dem Arm über die Strasse will. Bitte, danke und Hallo sind ungebräuchlich, weil fürs Geschäft unerheblich. Und so fort.

Dann hab ich gestern aber im Leninpark May, ein entzückendes 11 jähriges Mädchen, getroffen und die hat in mir wieder Hoffnung geweckt, dass Vietnamesen doch ganz cool sein können. Ich saß mit meinem Heft auf der Bank und hab mich neuen abartigen Tönen abgeplagt. Die hat sich dann von hinten angeschlichen und angefangen mich über die Schulter zu verbessern. Was für einen Blödsinn ich doch rede und dass man das doch so und so sagen müsse. Soso. Dann hat sie sich neben mich gesetzt und mir aus meinem Heft vorgelesen.

Irgendwann kam dann ein Kumpel von ihr und die beiden haben mich eingeladen, auf der Wiese nach Grashüpfern zu suchen. Man streicht dabei großräumig mit dem Fuß übers Gras und sieht dadurch, wo die Kameraden sind, und dann fängt man sie mit einem beherzten Schnapps, äh also Griff. Und dann entleert man die Hand voll Gras auf meinem aufgeschlagenen Heft und freut sich diebisch, wenn man tatsächlich ein Vieh erwischt hat.

Wahrscheinlich ist hier einfach alles anders aber eben nicht unbedingt schlechter. Man muss sich an die Vietnamesen und Vietnam eben auch erst gewöhnen und nimmt dadurch vieles erstmal sehr negativ war und übersieht die guten Seiten. Klingt zwar nach Binsenweisheit, muss man sich aber trotzdem immer wieder vorsagen. So und jetzt fahr ich ein paar Schwangere über den Haufen!

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2007

-> Start

Der Blog ist ganz neu und ich bin ein ganz neuer Blogger, hab also noch nicht viel Ahnung vom Bloggen. Aber ich weiss, dass man schon was Interessantes schreiben muss, die Leute wollen ja unterhalten werden.

Also ich hab vor ner guten Woche einen Sprachkurs in Vietnamesisch in Hanoi/VN begonnen. Hier bleib ich bis Ende September und dann zieh ich nach Saigon, um da ein Praktikum zu machen. So hab ich mir das gedacht und so wirds auch passieren, weil das ganze ein Weiterbildungsprogramm ist, an dem ich teilnehme. Ich freu mich auf jeden Fall hier zu sein.

Leider waren die ersten Tage ein bisschen durchwachsen. Werde erst jetzt den Jetlag vollstaendig los und hatte ein paar Probleme mit dem Magen. Ausserdem habe ich kurzzeitig an meinem Aufenthalt hier gezweifelt weil es woanders vielleicht doch viel besser waer. Kann hier nur sagen, dass es sich um eine echte Herzensangelegenheit handelt, aber dass es nicht um Frauen geht :) Jetz denke ich, dass war wohl ein kleiner Kulturschock.

Gottseidank haben mich die netten Deutschen und anderen Auslaender, die hier leben bald auf andere Gedanken gebracht. Man leiht sich einfach ein Moped und schon sind alle Sorgen vergessen weil man sich so auf den moerderischen Verkehr konzentrieren muss. Macht aber einen Heidenspass durch die engsten Gassen und breitesten Boulevards zu betonnieren wenn man sich dran gewoehnt hat.

Der Sprachkurs macht Spass, vor allem weil mein Lehrer so ein cooler Hund ist. Wenn ichs weiss wies geht post ich mal ein paar Fotos von ihm. Hab drei h pro d Kurs mit 15 min Pause im Cafe, von denen es hier dank der Franzosen sauviele gibt. Und Baguette gibts auch. Ach ja und Bratwuerste und, passt auf, Doener Kebap und nichtmal schlechten und freilich zu Berliner Preisen. Das Essen ist generell der Hammer, wenn man es, wie ich endlich, vertraegt.

Leider ist die Party eher mau. Das Verteidigungsministerium laeuft hier schon mal mit 500 Mann im New Century Club ein und nimmt den ganzen Laden wegen Drogen fest. Generell machen die Laeden hier gegen einse dicht. Aber das macht nix, man kann ja einfach frueher anfangen, wozu sich die zahlreichen Biergaerten gut eignen, weil man da so wenig fuers Bier bezahlen muss, dass man schon mal 56 Glaeschen (zu viert) heben kann. Am naechsten Morgen ist aber Aua und Sprachkurs war freilich die Hoelle.

So bald mehr aus steaming Hanoi

Aller Anfang..

Hello World.